Les plantes du jardin toxiques pour le chien

Publié mercredi 10 mai 2017 Commenter 591


Dans le jardin, il est assez courant de voir un chien manger de l’herbe. Par instinct, pour « se purger » ou à cause d’un trouble du comportement, cette pratique canine est sans danger si l’animal est régulièrement vermifugé et si votre gazon n’est pas traité. En revanche, s’il « s’attaque » à certaines plantes ou arbustes du jardin, cela peut présenter un véritable danger pour sa santé. Petit tour d’horizon des plantes et arbustes à éloigner du museau de Médor…

Plantes et arbustes toxiques de nos jardins


Très répandu dans les parcs et les jardins pour son aspect très décoratif en haies, l’if (taxus baccata) est très dangereux pour nos toutous. L’if est, pour eux, très attractif car ses rameaux ne contiennent pas de résine et son fruit, l’arille, présente une saveur douce particulièrement appréciée des chiens. Si toutes les parties de l’arbuste sont toxiques, c’est la graine contenue dans son fruit qui présente la plus grande toxicité. Toutefois, l’intoxication se produit seulement si le chien a pris le temps de mastiquer le fruit, libérant ainsi la molécule toxique qu’elle renferme. Les signes d’intoxication sont des troubles nerveux apparaissant généralement moins de 3 heures après l’ingestion et peuvent conduire à la mort de l’animal, s’il n’est pas pris en charge par un vétérinaire, en 12 à 48h.

Le laurier rose

Le laurier rose (Nerium oleander) est une plante toxique pour le cœur également responsable de vomissements et de troubles nerveux. L’intoxication d’un chien peut se produire après qu’il a avalé ou même mâchonné n’importe quelle partie de la plante : feuille, graine, fleur, bois et sève. Seules 2 à 3 feuilles de laurier rose peuvent suffire à tuer un chien d’une dizaine de kg.

Le laurier cerise

Plutôt répandu dans les haies des côtes Atlantique ou Méditerranéenne où le climat est doux, le laurier cerise est un arbuste aux longues feuilles vertes et aux fleurs blanches à 5 pétales qui apparaissent entre avril et juin. Là encore, toutes les parties de cet arbuste sont toxiques par ingestion en raison du cyanure qu’elles libèrent dans l’organisme. Chez le chien, l’intoxication a lieu surtout après ingestion des fruits. Elle se manifeste par des troubles digestifs et parfois par des troubles respiratoires et locomoteurs.

Le buis

Roi des haies taillées de façon parfois artistique, le buis (Buxus sempervirens) est aussi très dangereux pour nos compagnons à quatre pattes. Toutes les parties de la plante peuvent, en cas d’ingestion, provoquer des troubles digestifs suivis d’une paralysie en raison des substances alcaloïdes qu’elles renferment. Il est important d’empêcher l’accès d’un chien à l’arbuste car la dose mortelle est très faible.

Le lys

Il embaume et colore le jardin en été. Et pourtant, en dépit de sa beauté, le lys (Lilium sp et Hemerocallis sp) s’avère toxique pour nos chiens, qu’ils aient avalé la fleur, la tige, les feuilles ou même le bulbe. Si la toxicité est plus forte chez le chat chez qui l’ingestion d’une seule feuille peut être mortelle, il peut tout de même déclencher des troubles gastro-intestinaux dérangeants pour le chien et son maître.

Le muguet

Les petites clochettes parfumées du 1er mai présentent un véritable danger pour nos compagnons à quatre pattes. Toxique par ses fleurs, sa tige, ses feuilles, ses baies et même par l’eau du vase où il a trempé, le muguet (Convallaria majalis) provoque vomissements, diarrhées et troubles cardiaques en cas d’ingestion.

Le rhododendron

Bel arbuste au feuillage persistant, le rhododendron (Rhododendron sp) est également toxique pour les chiens en raison de l’andromédotoxine, la molécule toxique qu’il contient et dont l’action est proche du curare. L’ingestion ou le mâchonnement d’une quelconque partie de la plante entraîne une salivation excessive, des vomissements et diarrhées violents, puis des troubles nerveux et locomoteurs pouvant aller jusqu’au coma et la paralysie.

Le troène

Très courant dans les jardins où on l’utilise souvent dans les haies taillées, le troène (Ligustrum vulgare) peut provoquer des intoxications chez un chien s’il en mange les rameaux ou les fruits. Troubles digestifs, fièvre, troubles cardiaques et respiratoires et troubles nerveux peuvent alors se manifester.

La digitale

C’est peut-être la plus connue des plantes toxiques. Mauvaise herbe des terrains acides ou sciemment cultivée en tant que plante ornementale du jardin, la toxicité de la redoutable digitale (Digitalis purpurea) n’est plus à démontrer. Elle renferme des substances cardiotoniques pouvant provoquer un arrêt cardiaque chez l’animal intoxiqué ainsi que d’autres substances qui ont une toxicité digestive.


Par un aspect affable avec ses magnifiques grappes de fleurs, l’hortensia (Hydrangeas sp) cache bien son côté dangereux. Toxique par toutes ses parties et plus particulièrement par ses feuilles et les bourgeons de ses fleurs, cet arbrisseau provoque des intoxications qui se manifestent surtout par des symptômes digestifs chez les chiens. De fortes doses ingérées peuvent provoquer des troubles cardiaques et nerveux allant jusqu’au coma.

Que faire si mon chien est intoxiqué

Dans tous les cas, si votre animal a ingéré une de ces plantes toxiques, contactez sans attendre votre vétérinaire. Bien souvent, en matière d’intoxication, les chances de rétablissement dépendent de la rapidité d’intervention.

Gardez aussi à l’esprit que les plantes et arbustes ornementaux du jardin ne sont pas les seules à présenter un danger pour vos fidèles compagnons. Le potager renferme également son lot de dangers. Le site canin Toutoupourlechien.com décrit par exemple les dangers de l’oignon, légume très toxique pour les chiens. L’ail, la pomme de terre, le raisin comestibles pour l’Homme sont extrêmement toxiques pour les animaux de compagnie.

Pensez donc à bien réfléchir votre jardin ou votre potager afin de ne faire courir aucun risque à votre animal !

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Bank of America Login provides the following banking products in India: working capital and term loans, structured finance, export finance, global cash management.Bank of America Login analytics and functionality are what make Mercury an award-winning client portal.
Henry - il y a 788 jours
Bank of America Login provides the following banking products in India: working capital and term loans, structured finance, export finance, global cash management.Bank of America Login analytics and functionality are what make Mercury an award-winning client portal.
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Bank of America Login provides the following banking products in India: working capital and term loans, structured finance, export finance, global cash management.Bank of America Login analytics and functionality are what make Mercury an award-winning client portal.
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Capital One Login was created with the thing of revolutionising the banking assiduity. Capital One Login guests are eased with similar ultramodern tactics and strategies that offer them the upper hand when enabling banking services with pretensions and bournes. 
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Capital One Login was created with the thing of revolutionising the banking assiduity. Capital One Login guests are eased with similar ultramodern tactics and strategies that offer them the upper hand when enabling banking services with pretensions and bournes. 
Charlie Johnson - il y a 787 jours
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Charlie Johnson - il y a 787 jours
You'll need to Amex Login after you download and launch the app., the same way you would on a computer, enter your login and password. Once you've logged in, you may access your account and perform tasks like setting up an automated bill payment, depositing checks, and viewing the history of transactions whenever you need to. You can sign in to your account on the upper left of the Amex Login
Charlie Johnson - il y a 787 jours
You'll need to Amex Login after you download and launch the app., the same way you would on a computer, enter your login and password. Once you've logged in, you may access your account and perform tasks like setting up an automated bill payment, depositing checks, and viewing the history of transactions whenever you need to. You can sign in to your account on the upper left of the Amex Login
Nancy Havens - il y a 787 jours
If you find out that your Wells Fargo login account has been frozen and you are not able to access it in any way, then what you can do is contact their representative through Wells Fargo official address and email id.
Nancy Havens - il y a 787 jours
If you find out that your Wells Fargo login account has been frozen and you are not able to access it in any way, then what you can do is contact their representative through Wells Fargo official address and email id.
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If you find out that your Wells Fargo login account has been frozen and you are not able to access it in any way, then what you can do is contact their representative through Wells Fargo official address and email id.
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If you find out that your Wells Fargo login account has been frozen and you are not able to access it in any way, then what you can do is contact their representative through Wells Fargo official address and email id.
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If you find out that your Wells Fargo login account has been frozen and you are not able to access it in any way, then what you can do is contact their representative through Wells Fargo official address and email id.
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The application is a different,independent application that permits clients to store, or care,their own crypto,and Coinbase Login investigate the decentralized web Exodus wallet with a dapp program.
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The application is a different,independent application that permits clients to store, or care,their own crypto,and Coinbase Login investigate the decentralized web Exodus wallet with a dapp program.
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The application is a different,independent application that permits clients to store, or care,their own crypto,and Coinbase Login investigate the decentralized web Exodus wallet with a dapp program.
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The application is a different,independent application that permits clients to store, or care,their own crypto,and Coinbase Login investigate the decentralized web Exodus wallet with a dapp program.
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The application is a different,independent application that permits clients to store, or care,their own crypto,and Coinbase Login investigate the decentralized web Exodus wallet with a dapp program.
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Metamask Sign in is a free crypto wallet that is available on both mobile and web platforms. This wallet was introduced to store cryptocurrency and perform trading activities related to it. Moreover, it is specially designed to support Ethereum and Ethereum-based tokens Okex Exchange.
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Coinbase Sign in is one of the most well known cryptographic money wallets.Blockchain.com Login can be hacked at times.
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Coinbase Sign in is one of the most well known cryptographic money wallets.Blockchain.com Login can be hacked at times.
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Thnaks to Sharing This informative article. Please visit the Sites. Metamask Extension| Amex Login|
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Thnaks to Sharing This informative article. Please visit the Sites. Metamask Extension| Amex Login|
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Thnaks to Sharing This informative article. Please visit the Sites. Metamask Extension| Amex Login|
amarya - il y a 779 jours
Coinbase Login Getting started on is quick and Coinbase also rewards you if you sign up on its app or website. You can also earn cryptos by learning or referring Coinbase to others. To start trading on this exchange, you can set up your ID by submitting the details such as name, email, and password.PayPal Login
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Coinbase Sign In - Buy and Sell Bitcoin, Ethereum, and more with trust The future of money is here Over 108 million people and businesses trust us to buy, sell, and manage crypto.
Wells Fargo Login Advisors is a trade name used by Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC (WFCS) and Wells Fargo Advisors Financial Network, LLC, Members SIPC, separate registered.
Nancy Havens - il y a 775 jours
Coinbase Sign In - Buy and Sell Bitcoin, Ethereum, and more with trust The future of money is here Over 108 million people and businesses trust us to buy, sell, and manage crypto.
Wells Fargo Login Advisors is a trade name used by Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC (WFCS) and Wells Fargo Advisors Financial Network, LLC, Members SIPC, separate registered.
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The MetaMask wallet is excellent for individuals who are familiar with cryptocurrencies, but it isn't the ideal choice for those who are just getting started. Due to the wallet's vulnerability to malware and social engineering assaults. American Express Login | MetaMask wallet
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The MetaMask wallet is excellent for individuals who are familiar with cryptocurrencies, but it isn't the ideal choice for those who are just getting started. Due to the wallet's vulnerability to malware and social engineering assaults. American Express Login | MetaMask wallet
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Charlie Johnson - il y a 758 jours
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Crypto.com log in: The best place to buy Bitcoin, Ethereum, and 250+ altcoins. Join 70M+ users buying and selling 250+ cryptocurrencies at true cost. Spend with the Crypto.com [Read more] Metamask Wallet users can use their mobile or web wallet based on the hardware device that they want to connect. If you have a hardware device that can be connected only to a PC need to install the MetaMask Wallet extension on their PC Sfx Sacrifice.
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we can conclude that the reason behind the shining of Webull login is its user-friendly interface with advanced trading tools. The platform also offers you access to a large queue of trading options like stocks Bitazza ETFs, and much more.
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we can conclude that the reason behind the shining of Webull login is its user-friendly interface with advanced trading tools. The platform also offers you access to a large queue of trading options like stocks Bitazza ETFs, and much more.
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we can conclude that the reason behind the shining of Webull login is its user-friendly interface with advanced trading tools. The platform also offers you access to a large queue of trading options like stocks Bitazza ETFs, and much more.
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we can conclude that the reason behind the shining of Webull login is its user-friendly interface with advanced trading tools. The platform also offers you access to a large queue of trading options like stocks Bitazza ETFs, and much more.
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we can conclude that the reason behind the shining of Webull login is its user-friendly interface with advanced trading tools. The platform also offers you access to a large queue of trading options like stocks Bitazza ETFs, and much more.
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we can conclude that the reason behind the shining of Webull login is its user-friendly interface with advanced trading tools. The platform also offers you access to a large queue of trading options like stocks Bitazza ETFs, and much more.
jasan ronn - il y a 750 jours
we can conclude that the reason behind the shining of Webull login is its user-friendly interface with advanced trading tools. The platform also offers you access to a large queue of trading options like stocks Bitazza ETFs, and much more.
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we can conclude that the reason behind the shining of Webull login is its user-friendly interface with advanced trading tools. The platform also offers you access to a large queue of trading options like stocks Bitazza ETFs, and much more.
jasan ronn - il y a 750 jours
we can conclude that the reason behind the shining of Webull login is its user-friendly interface with advanced trading tools. The platform also offers you access to a large queue of trading options like stocks Bitazza ETFs, and much more.
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we can conclude that the reason behind the shining of Webull login is its user-friendly interface with advanced trading tools. The platform also offers you access to a large queue of trading options like stocks Bitazza ETFs, and much more.
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Coinbase Sign in is one of the most well known cryptographic money wallets. You can safely store digital forms of money like Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP, and that's just the beginning. Citibank Login India offers a wide range of Credit Cards, Banking, Wealth Management & Investment services. Our Loans, Insurance, Corporate & NRI Banking options.
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Coinbase Sign in is one of the most well known cryptographic money wallets. You can safely store digital forms of money like Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP, and that's just the beginning. Citibank Login India offers a wide range of Credit Cards, Banking, Wealth Management & Investment services. Our Loans, Insurance, Corporate & NRI Banking options.
jems jerry - il y a 732 jours
Coinbase Sign in is one of the most well known cryptographic money wallets. You can safely store digital forms of money like Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP, and that's just the beginning. Citibank Login India offers a wide range of Credit Cards, Banking, Wealth Management & Investment services. Our Loans, Insurance, Corporate & NRI Banking options.
jems jerry - il y a 732 jours
Coinbase Sign in is one of the most well known cryptographic money wallets. You can safely store digital forms of money like Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP, and that's just the beginning. Citibank Login India offers a wide range of Credit Cards, Banking, Wealth Management & Investment services. Our Loans, Insurance, Corporate & NRI Banking options.
jems jerry - il y a 732 jours
Coinbase Sign in is one of the most well known cryptographic money wallets. You can safely store digital forms of money like Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP, and that's just the beginning. Citibank Login India offers a wide range of Credit Cards, Banking, Wealth Management & Investment services. Our Loans, Insurance, Corporate & NRI Banking options.
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Coinbase Sign in is one of the most well known cryptographic money wallets. You can safely store digital forms of money like Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP, and that's just the beginning. Citibank Login India offers a wide range of Credit Cards, Banking, Wealth Management & Investment services. Our Loans, Insurance, Corporate & NRI Banking options.
jems jerry - il y a 729 jours
A gateway to exploring the decentralized web is provided via the Ethereum wallet Metamask Extension. One of the greatest cryptocurrency exchanges,OKEx exchanges, now known as OKx, offers a user-friendly interface that enables users to participate in spot and derivative trading.
jems jerry - il y a 729 jours
A gateway to exploring the decentralized web is provided via the Ethereum wallet Metamask Extension. One of the greatest cryptocurrency exchanges,OKEx exchanges, now known as OKx, offers a user-friendly interface that enables users to participate in spot and derivative trading.
jems jerry - il y a 729 jours
A gateway to exploring the decentralized web is provided via the Ethereum wallet Metamask Extension. One of the greatest cryptocurrency exchanges,OKEx exchanges, now known as OKx, offers a user-friendly interface that enables users to participate in spot and derivative trading.
jems jerry - il y a 729 jours
A gateway to exploring the decentralized web is provided via the Ethereum wallet Metamask Extension. One of the greatest cryptocurrency exchanges,OKEx exchanges, now known as OKx, offers a user-friendly interface that enables users to participate in spot and derivative trading.
jems jerry - il y a 729 jours
A gateway to exploring the decentralized web is provided via the Ethereum wallet Metamask Extension. One of the greatest cryptocurrency exchanges,OKEx exchanges, now known as OKx, offers a user-friendly interface that enables users to participate in spot and derivative trading.
jeff marcus - il y a 724 jours
We provide you with the best way to communicate, manage and access your crypto assets. MetaMask signin | Bitmart Login is a cryptocurrency exchange platform that offers high security, instant service and easy to use interface. | Coinbase Wallet is a secure bitcoin wallet and trading platform for the digital currency.
jeff marcus - il y a 705 jours
It's not just about crypto, it's about a whole new way of trading. Don't worry if you're not familiar with OKEX Exchange. We're always here to help.
jeff marcus - il y a 705 jours
It's not just about crypto, it's about a whole new way of trading. Don't worry if you're not familiar with OKEX Exchange. We're always here to help.
jeff marcus - il y a 705 jours
It's not just about crypto, it's about a whole new way of trading. Don't worry if you're not familiar with OKEX Exchange. We're always here to help.
jeff marcus - il y a 705 jours
It's not just about crypto, it's about a whole new way of trading. Don't worry if you're not familiar with OKEX Exchange. We're always here to help.
jeff marcus - il y a 705 jours
It's not just about crypto, it's about a whole new way of trading. Don't worry if you're not familiar with OKEX Exchange. We're always here to help.
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